Friday, 28 February 2020

DMIC first lesson

Reflection = I think some teams were good however the group 5 Jason, Matthias and Olivia did not work productively. Therefore during the lesson, i have asked those students to move to other team. Nathan was eager to teach other students to understand the concept which helped Matthias to learn. Apart from the group i felt like it went well.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Running record

I have done 4 running records with the students. (Leo, Isaac, TJ and Brad)

Observation for running record

I had the chance to observe Jody do running record on 19/02/2020

Swimming sports 24/02/2020

St Josephs school held swimming sports.
Had an opportunity to talk to parents from my class and other parents from the school.

RTLB Meeting with Kim 26/02/2020

DMIC Reading

I went to read and watch more information about DMIC

DMIC observation 26/02/2020 Room 14 Jody Mc Cort’s room

Turns on the google chrome book. To instruct (model) the students what they need to be doing.
·       She informs students that you need to be working for your selected group.
·       She reminds the students that they should be managing themselves.
·       Student works as a group.
·       She asks the students why they have gotten the answers
·        The Students are discussing as a group.
·       The warmup activity helps the students to turn on their math brain on.
·       She is scaffolding the questions so that the students understand it in the deeper meaning
·       She changes the number 5 to 15 if the students understands the pattern.
·       She suggests other questions and the students are scaffolding them to find the answer.

Warm-up session (overall)
-          Establishing the rules as a class
-           Allow them to talk in the group how they are going to explain it back to the class.
-          Rules Establishment- Don’t shout out, sharing ideas, talking, teamwork elaborating, taking turn
-          The main thing is to establish is to share with no shame. – Using language in a positive safe learning environment.
-          Let them talk with the groups to figure what the problem is? (what are problems)
-          Scaffolding what the problems is such as what digit of number is ?
-          Allow the students to talk as a group rather then asking the teacher.
-          Reassuring the students, the questions are vital for teaching
-          Because this is new to her also she also feedforward what to do for her next DMIC lesson.

Students asking questions
Clarifying that the students understand the odd numbers (1,3,5,7,9)
Every digit of the number is different.

Scaffolding- by asking questions and scaffolding by modelling the answers therefore the students understand it.  

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Reading effective pedagogies

Team meeting

Staff meeting minutes

Staff meeting docs 

Meeting with Kim (RTLB)


Hui 1 19.2.2020 @10.30am
(Met previously to touch base/greet for the first time) Feb 5th

Kim Michie RTLB, meeting with Samuel Kim, teacher of cases, students:  Isaac Fern and Samuel Taylor

Present-Kim and Samuel 
  • Acknowledged SENCo , Tricia Kenny and Mentor Teacher, Jodi McCort

  • Kim shared the link to the tki website, especially the ASD inclusive ed section.
  • Kim had hard copies of some useful strategies in dealing with students with varied learning needs (from tki)
  • Covered each case-1. Isaac 2. Samuel

  1. Isaac Fern-2 goals set last year :
“... by the end of Term 1 2020 Isaac will be able to comply with school and classroom behaviour expectations in contexts where supervision is limited.”
“ the end of Term 1 2020 Isaac will learn about others’ feelings in a range of contexts and begin to demonstrate empathy and understanding towards his peers.”
Samuel said that Isaac can be very immature with his behaviour and responses. He has given him the chance to apologise in his own time and he has done this willingly. This is a great step and a super strategy to make Isaac accountable but also give him the choice when to apologise! 
Isaac’s behaviour can get off track but he is willing to try and wants to learn.
Samule has made Isaac the ‘line leader’ to walk up to swimming at the Jubilee Pools and he has responded well to this responsibility. They converse during this time and a relationship is building.
During SSR isaac chooses to lay on the floor and not read, if he has a book it is one without many words!
*Kim said she will talk to Jodi-whom he goes to for reading to understand his learning needs in literacy.
  1. Samuel Taylor-1 goal set last year : 
“For Samuel to be ready to move to his new class seamlessly and for the new teacher to be ready to cater for his needs”
Samuel Kim is concerned about the level of dependence on him as a teacher, Samuel can do nothing in the classroom if he decides he does not want to or decides he does not know what to do.
We spoke about putting strategies and supports in place to minimise the dependence and maximise the student agency/self management:
  1. Check in promptly with Samuel when a task has been set.
  2. Find something he can be an ‘expert’ or ‘leader’ in and give him some responsibility
  3. Some reward system-e.g. Class dojo? Green smiley faces? House points
  4. Use C3B4 me -it is stated in words, in the classroom treaty so we agreed to teach this strategy explicitly to the class, and get them to co construct what it would look like, sound like in the classroom in action-have some role play sessions, so it will be used correctly with the purpose to increase everyone’s independence and self directed learning. *Kim to make a poster C3B4me . Maybe ‘guide’ Samuel to choose the correct people to ask...
  5. Have steps 1,2,3 displayed on the board and repeated back to the teacher and spoken to each other before they leave the mat area so everyone knows what to do, including Samuel! and Isaac!
Lovely to sit and chat with you Samuel. It sounds like you have a very good understanding of how to build positive relationships and use effective strategies naturally.
See you next week,

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

PCT for Beginning teacher induction course at MIT 12/02/2020

Term 1 week 1 planning and reflection

TERM: 1                                                                WEEK: 1                                FROM: 03.02-07.02.2020

Teacher Only Day 
Staff or Team Meeting
Waitangi day
School closed


 9:00am – Powhiri (in the hall)

Basic information about myself to the students.

Team building game 


Mana Potential – Copy for each child to fill in. Discuss colour meanings with students to add in their own understandings. Students to know strategies of how to recognize how to handle their feelings. 

Writing- Write about one great thing you did in your holidays and also write to Mr Kim why he is lucky to have you as a teacher. 



Expectations in class (Introduce Class Dojo)

Digital Citizenship
WALT: Understand how to be good digital citizens.(Youtube clips) 

WALT : Understand and identify how to become good digital citizens. 


Introduce Maths whizz

SSR ? (If they have their books) 

Digital citizenship= 
WALT – create a poster on how to be a good digital citizens and place them on our classroom walls. 


Label books 
Outline books and where to place them.

Class Counsellor – 
What aspects the counsellor need to have. (Speech next week?) 

Audible Finish part 3 of (Ti tiriti o Waitangi 


WALHT: identify and explain the reasons why a Treaty was needed.

WALT - write a personal response about why Te tiriti is important. 
  • Think about what might New Zealand be like today if we didn’t have a treaty
  • Is understanding the past important? Why or why not
  • What could have been better writing 
  • If you were a chief would you have signed the treaty? Explain your answers

Finish off their Mana potential, 

Reflection :
Overall this week was a short week and got to know my students.
First day there was 4 students away (Matthias, Theo, Apenisa and Jason). I have heard many things regarding about Mathhias and wanted to see him on my first day. However he came the next day.
First day was mostly get to know me and the students. Which I think went well. The students were nervous and shy. However when they got to know other students I could feel that the year 5 were sitting together and the year 6 were sitting together.
 The second day our class and room 14 came over to our classroom and we as Piripono 2 start off with a pray together and got to know each other. Due to the time we did not do mana potential. Writing was done, I have realised how students forgot  many aspects in writing such as simple punctuations. Most of the students have finished their Digital citizenships poster and ready to post them up the classroom. After lunch we were planned to do Treaty of Waitangi However, we have changed plans to do sports with room 14. This was a sports game where we got to know each other. I was surprised by few class members such as Mathias and Nathan on how great their sportsmanship were. Many girls did not participate in the sports. Next time motivate the girls to get involve with the sports.
Treaty of Waitangi task will be done next week. 😊

TOD Professional development Emotional Resilience 03/02/2020

Professional development
Emotional Resilience
(what it looks like and how we build it.)

Emotional resilience
- The ability to bounce back from difficulties.
Bounce back = return to state emotional control. (green brain)

To return requires us first to go somewhere.
Allow students to stretch their uncomfortable emotional.

Introducing the brain. (going somewhere)
two brain
Cortex (green brain)
Brainstem limbic ( red brain)

Red brain(survival part) (2 years old)
survival task

 Green brain (over 17 to 18) – depending on people
·       Over= ride impilses
·       Plan
·       Sequence
·       Time management abstract empathy

Neuroception = neuro perception
Am I safe?

Ask questions such as remember the yesterday story?
what did you do during the weekend?

Fight flight response.
Sight and hearing sharpen.
Dry mouth
Breathing changes
Stomach purges
Heart beats faster
Bowel/ bladder may empty

Tell the brain
-          You are not going to die
-          Relationships = increase their knowledge that they are going to be safe.
-          Status – trying to get better and becomes safer.
How to keep the survival brain calm.
S- See me  -
B – show me Belong
H – Tell me what is happening ?
C – Give me some control

Attunement -

Over- sensitised stress response – One where the stress response is over activated frequently and or for long period of time.
Plus there is absence of attuned adult support

Resilience – multiple of stress.

TOD Religious Education 501 30/01

Religious education 501
Day 2

Faith Alive

Catholic school environment
·       Introduction to terms and definitions
·       Nature of the catholic school
·       Goals of the catholic school
·       Role of the teacher

Liturgy - a form or formulary according to which public religious worship, especially Christian worship, is conducted.

 Features of Catholics school in School

Facilitating discipleship
-          Going to church
-          Teach to pray in different ways
-          Spiritual
-          You are a child of God rather than a kid in ST Josephs .
-          Walk the talk across the curriculum and outside the community
Religious education programme
-          Encounter faith during their primary stage
Catholic special character
-          Creative and traditional
-          School value is focussed from the Gospel rather outside
Community and the common goods
-          Important of having mass
-          Youth groups led in a younger bishop
Value and virtues
-          Gospel of virtue
-          Virtue vs Value

Christ centred = in the catholic school
Catholic social teaching =  reach out to the community vulnerable family in your family. 6/7 principles that we need to have
Made in God’s image, stewardship, sub(?) pastoral care

Special characters = integration agreement, Law of the country (Education) conditional integrated act. What makes our school different
Religious congregation = operate in their name with their Charism.

Sacrament = initiation of GOD, grace, participation in God’s grace
(baptism confirmation )
Creed = statement of belief( Church there are two ) official apostle creed develop from a church meeting
Catechesis – Teaching of the church
Faith Tradition = catholic church
Reign in God = Parables was the main reason for this. Kingdom of God 
Culture of inclusion = who are our learners?
What do we need to know about our students in order in help us build relationships ?

Teacher Only Day 29/01/2020 DMIC

TOD 29/01/2019

Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities

PD 3
youcubed- Growth mind set about mathematicals.

Developing proficient Mathematical learners?
* attend to the classroom culture
·       Choose high-level problematic tasks
-          A deeper level of thinking
-          More than one strategies of thinking – more than one ways of solving
-          Developing connections and extended tasks
-          Using mathematic language and rules
-          Content knowledge
Launch task in contextual and cognitive ways
-          Using their own words to understand.
-          What are the words for us to find out?
Anticipate strategies and monitor working
-          Strategies that they make.
-          Beware of the perception of the solutions that we have.
-          High lighting other strategies that students have.
-          Monitor the students to see if they make the connection of the modelling.
-          Having a good team player mindset.
-          Spray and walk away from questions.
Select and sequence
-          Choosing the groups to shares
Allow students thinking to shape discussions
-          Having students discussion will allow the plan to differ.
Plan for a connection
-          Planning extending problems
-          Understanding mathematical content knowledge
-          Prior, support the previous lesson to scaffold.
-          Knowing the key ideas

DMIC is for all (clips)
Inclusion/ engagement
Accepting diversity in our community
We need to know our learners, whanau and community actively. To help us to create an inclusive community
Explaining, showing, changing my mind, proving themselves  – All learners are expected of these aspects  ( these need to be valued in teaching)

Inclusive = collaborative
 Everyone is in the waka= which is inclusive
Valuing everyone brings success to their learning.
Raising the status of the students

Complex instruction
-          Promotes a different understanding of how people learn
-          A different image of what It means to understand mathematical ideas
-          It builds on the idea that learning is complex and that learner because they bring different ideas and understandings to a problem, will make sense of the leaning challenge it presents in multiple ways
Assigning competencies
The intellectual dimension ensures that the feedback is an aspect of mathematical work, and the specific dimension means that students know exactly what the teacher is praising.
-          Teachers job to raise the student's intellectual value
-          Praising the students, therefore, they feel valued.

-          Many ways to be successful
-          More students will be successful
Students responsibility
-          Its not just one student responsibility.
-          Equal weight if they do not know it is up to the students to ask questions to the group or the teachers. Making students responsible for their learning. (setting expectation)

High expectations
-          Prefers students to take in charge of their learning
-          Not giving the answers help them to figure the answer

Effort over ability
-          What part do you not get rather than I don’t get this.
-          Having the questions reinforcing the students if this answer is correct?
Relational equity
-          Working on a problem together.

Complex instruction
-          Social and academic status
People often make decisions about other people’s intellectual abilities on the basis of certain characteristics that the community values


what is assigned value
-          More value to English than to other languages so people assume that others who do not speak English fluently do not have the same competence as those of native English speakers.

Participating in learning
-          What we believe about your intellectual abilities and those of others, is very often a social construction reinforced over time rather than a mirror of reality.
(If they are not participating, they are not learning)
Status generalisation
-          This term helps us to understand how the characteristics between people differ and how these are pooled so that status is allotted.
-          Status is local and changes within settings
-          Status differences in classrooms reflect those of wider society
-          But many local status characteristics derive from the school and class culture.
Status at work.
When your students are working in pairs or groups which ones hang back? Which ones do you tell to get engaged? Think about them again as you hear about Miguel

We need to think of students as being in situations where other act as though some students have much to contribute while other have little. Use the term “having low status” not “being low status”

What does being smart in maths mean?
List all the statements your students would make about what being smart in maths mean
- I am good at asking questions
I can explain my thinking
I never give up.

Where to next
Record what you have realised today? – I have realised that math is a language. I always thought of a traditional way of thinking where math there is always an answer but in an answer, there is an explanation. All the explanation can be different.

Record what your next steps and goals are.
-          My next step goals is to ask the reason why to the students ask many questions
-          Praise the students often.
-          Creating an open discussion culture.
-          Setting social norm in our classroom.
-          The status mindset (give an example)
Use the communication and participation framework and plan the next actions you will put in place in your classroom.

Any other thoughts?
Are the traditional ways bad…
There are students that are being taught in those ways and it worked for them. Wonder and thoughts…

RE Observation feedback and feed foward