Wednesday, 12 February 2020

TOD Professional development Emotional Resilience 03/02/2020

Professional development
Emotional Resilience
(what it looks like and how we build it.)

Emotional resilience
- The ability to bounce back from difficulties.
Bounce back = return to state emotional control. (green brain)

To return requires us first to go somewhere.
Allow students to stretch their uncomfortable emotional.

Introducing the brain. (going somewhere)
two brain
Cortex (green brain)
Brainstem limbic ( red brain)

Red brain(survival part) (2 years old)
survival task

 Green brain (over 17 to 18) – depending on people
·       Over= ride impilses
·       Plan
·       Sequence
·       Time management abstract empathy

Neuroception = neuro perception
Am I safe?

Ask questions such as remember the yesterday story?
what did you do during the weekend?

Fight flight response.
Sight and hearing sharpen.
Dry mouth
Breathing changes
Stomach purges
Heart beats faster
Bowel/ bladder may empty

Tell the brain
-          You are not going to die
-          Relationships = increase their knowledge that they are going to be safe.
-          Status – trying to get better and becomes safer.
How to keep the survival brain calm.
S- See me  -
B – show me Belong
H – Tell me what is happening ?
C – Give me some control

Attunement -

Over- sensitised stress response – One where the stress response is over activated frequently and or for long period of time.
Plus there is absence of attuned adult support

Resilience – multiple of stress.

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