Friday, 22 May 2020

Observation comment - Reading (By Lori)

Thurs 21st May
Today I had the opportunity to observe Samuel lead a Reading Session. He works collaboratively with another teacher to develop and plan the reading programme and the children move across rooms depending on which group best suits their capabilities and diverse needs. The children have just returned from Level 3 lockdown and are only in their fourth day at school. 
From my session it was clearly evident that Samuel had clearly established norms and expectations within the class. Children not in the group working with the teacher could all explain clearly what the expectations were for the session, what goals they were working on, and how to access any relevant material. 
While working with the identified target group for Reading, Samuel displayed many positive teaching techniques such as establishing clarity, building a learner-focused relationship, and effective feedback. It was clear that the students in the group felt comfortable in the setting to take chances in their learning and attempt inferencing in their Journal story.
Samuel maintained control of the entire classroom while working with his group, pausing the learning to establish expectations around volume and work completed. 
Some suggestions for next steps in your programme, Samuel, would be to develop some more Talk Moves during your reading groups such as rephrasing a question if a student doesn't seem to be able to or are unwilling to answer and allowing students to "Turn and Talk" to a buddy before sharing back their ideas to encourage oral language and engagement. 
After only a term, Samuel has established a strong reading programme, and after a discussion with him it was obvious he has put a lot of thought and consideration into his daily and weekly plans and that they all connect to the overall achievement objective for the term and to gain student achievement at Level 3. 
I am looking forward to seeing your continued growth in delivering your teaching programme as the year progresses, Samuel. I am sure to be impressed.
Lori Mravicich - Deputy Principal and Curriculum Lead Teacher of Literacy

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

RE 501 with Brendon

Read aboutThe Religious Education Bridging Document (Page 14 - 18), this helped me to build confidence in teaching RE to the students.
It also enables me to connect more to Jesus and how a connection is a vital thing when teaching RE.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

RE 501 Session with Brendon

Today session getting to know what pedagogy approaches to use while teaching RE.
Knowing the strengths, weaknesses and the limitation through these approaches.
I found it quite interesting learning these approaches and thought how i could practice this when teaching RE

RE Observation feedback and feed foward