Wednesday, 4 March 2020

DMIC lesson 2 observed by Bridget (uni) and Lori (DP)

Reflection: Its establishing norms rather than rules. I find that repeating what the students had answer is a great way therefore everyone stays focus. I realised that this way everyone was participating. It was a great learning curve and this will take time for me to digest all the information at once.

DMIC PD 3.3.2020 (Staff Meeting)

PD4 part one
Going forward with high expectations shown in tasks

Energy and commitment
Teaching mathematics
Takes energy and commitment
Risk taking
Needs you to keep checking out your belief systems about mathematics
Believing in all children’s ability to learn Mathematics
Growing pedagogical skills
Creating the norm in the classroom.

Productive struggle.
Establishing the norms – Respectful relationships,
Launch = what the story ( problems ) are saying? 
Raising the status of the students
More than one way of solving the problems

Student agency
-          90 percent are more on it

-          Think again about your core values?
-          How do they play out in the classrooms?
-          Has this changed as your have enacted DMIC?

Thinking like a mathematician
-          Thinking like a mathematician involves making connections between ideas, approaching problems creatively, adapting known methods in new ways and transferring learning to new context
-          Working like a mathematician involves persistence, willingness to take risks and the capacity to explain solutions.
None of this can happen in schools if students are always being shown what to do

Students can benefit if they work on problems that they have not been shown how to solve and explain to others their own strategies.

Prayer feedback from Anna

RE Observation feedback and feed foward